For over 40 years the Taxi Dortmund Taxi Dortmund is number 1 in Dortmund over 40 years. With about 440
For over 40 years the Taxi Dortmund eG is the number 1 in Dortmund.
Seit über 40 Jahren ist die Taxi Dortmund eG die Nummer 1 in Dortmund.
With around 440 connected vehicles, customers have 75% of all Dortmund taxis available, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Thanks to the latest telephone system, GPS location and fully automatic mediation, the taxi is also the passenger in the suburbs within a very short time.
Promotions of up to 8 people in comfortable large-scale taxes are just as natural for us as the implementation of concerns, messengers and courier trips. If necessary, our drivers will be happy to provide start -up aid. You can easily pay all the services mentioned without cash with EC or credit card.
Taxi Dortmund war vor 8 Jahren Vorreiter der Qualitätsoffensive „Plus-Taxi“. The customer can order this, of course at no extra charge, and rely on the fact that a specially trained driver with a particularly well -kept vehicle transports him safely and on time.
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